New Opera Mini 4.2.14881 English for Nokia 5800 & N97


If you get an error about authorisation failed please uninstall the previous version, if you already have an opera with modded icon this step is not required.

Ιf you don’t want to lose your bookmarks first Sync Opera with the option at the bottom of the start page, then after installing the new version synch again and all the bookmarks will be restored.

If Opera is not working in full screen mode then

1. On the 5800’s main menu screen, select “Settings”.2. Select “Application Manager”.3. Select “Installed Applications”.4. Click once on the app or game you want to run in full screen mode.5. Select “Options”.6. Select “Suite Settings”.7. Select “On-Screen Keyboard”.8. Select “Off”.9. Select “OK”.


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